Old Blog

I had a blog on MySpace that I do not use anymore. But I had really good info on Alzheimer' here it goes.


This is a helpful link when someone is in the hospital and are on social security
 Medicare Info
This is a helpful link on seeing if someone qualifies for Medi-Cal and what is covered.
Nursing Homes
I have also learned that if you want to utilize Veterans benefits for your medical issues, go to a VA hospital to get treated not a regular hospital. The VA told my daughter that if she had brought me there then the VA would have been able to cover a lot of this and help me into a VA facility once I was out of the hospital. But VA facilities are like either love it or hate it. If someone is able to live independently and they are a vet.....APPLY FOR A VA HOME LIKE YOUNTVILLE!!!!! GET ON THE WAITING LIST. It is a continuous care campus so once your there you are taken care of till you die. But if you are diagnosed with dementia or alzheimers it is almost impossible to get in.

***Written in my Father's voice and my view***

So I am in this hospital staring at the white walls and the holes in the ceiling. Because I have this infection, Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE), the nursing home wont take me back....its not like they helped the situation when I was there. I have had this stupid catheter since January and when I got to the home we were suppose to work on getting off it. But that didn't happen and now I am stuck here with the infection. Based on medi-cal rules however, after 7 days I could lose my spot at the home. So now we have to go through the whole process again of finding me a good home.
Back in January I had a heart attack and I wasn't given more than a week to live. When I arrived at the CCC unit (where people die within a week) the doctor there said the other was wrong and I could live a few more months if not 6. So now my daughter was given 4 hours on a Sunday to find a home. Yeah right!!! So after many stalling tactics through Medicare, she found me a great home near her and one that her and her mother felt would be good to me. This was after going to about 50 nursing homes. So now if I lose my spot there they have to go through all those again. My daughter cried in most of them because of how bad the facilities were.
How come our society throws away our elderly? Put them in a home that is not suitable for even an animal? I served our country, I served as a civil servant for CA and I paid my taxes and social security. So why is it that my daughter has to suffer this burden? Why do I have to settle for the first home that says we will take him....I would if my daughter and ex wife didn't check them all out before saying ok.
Its just not fair how we treat the elderly and sick. I am incontinent and very someone else has to clean me....they didn't stay on top of that and I now have this why do I have to get booted?
Fathers out there....take care of this shit before you get old....don't put your kids through what I have put my daughter through....its not fair. But she does it because she loves me. No questions asked. 

***Written in my Father's voice and my view***

So as of Sunday, my current nursing home said that if the VRE is colonized...then they would take me back...soooo, hospital did a retest just for them and it was colonized. Something to do with my body accepting the bacteria so then it wouldnt be contagious. Come Monday they told the hospital..."nope not taking him".
Que in my daughter....Hospital called my daughter and told her the news. They advised her to call the State Public Health Dept. She did and they told her that since there was a 7-day bed hold (filled out when I was first admitted to home) that they have to return me to the next available bed. If they refuse she can call Public Health back and file a Refusal of ReAdmittance Hearing request.
She called the Director of Nursing (DON) at the home and she was down right mean. Told her what the Public Health person said and she still said no. So then my daughter called the hospital and told them what was going on. In the mean time she would go and look at homes that said they would take me. My daughter is fighting for the current home because it is so close she can see me all the time and the farther it is the harder it is for her to be there.
My daughter then went to look at the other homes and they had mis-information. They had the old info and said they wouldnt take him. So she called hospital and said "send the right info....duh". While that was going ex wife called and talked to the DON and she was kiss must be the comment my daughter made about filing a complaint. The DON said she would try to rearrange beds so that I could come home. Then get back to her.
Today....DON is out is the Admissions call from Hospital and I am still laying in a hospital bed.
What would of happened if my family wasnt willing to do all this running around, where would I of ended up...the only real advocates for elders is their own family.

March 26, 2009 - Thursday 
***Written in my Father's voice and my view*** 
So after all is said and home has said I can come stay there and it isnt the one I was in before. My VRE is colonized so I dont know why there is a big issue other than politics. I should be arriving in my new home tomorrow and moving up from a 3 bed room to a 2 bed room. Yes with my state benefits (Medi-Cal) the usual is 3 beds to a room. But I have lucked out and they have a 2 bed room for me. So my daughter is going to check it out and see if it is to her standards...she had been doing this for a while. It is the same distance as before so she will get to see me as often as before which was almost every day.
My mood has spunkied up and I am feisty. I am ready to blow this pie hole. Hope the food is better over there. So I will let you know when I land in my new pad.
By the way, I am getting emails from women...some really hot. They want to go out with me....obviously they arent taking the time to get to know me because if they read my profile, they would know that I wouldnt even know what a date was anymore.
Thanks, Bill
March 27, 2009 - Friday 
Hi, its D, the Daughter. There is no simple way to start this blog, other than saying....the process sucks ass.
What I have learned from doing this twice....
1. Dont have high will walk out of that home crying. I did about 20 times.
2. If it is private pay situation, call ahead and discuss price. Dont waste your time going, doing the tour, falling in love with it and then they slam down this outragous price. See #1.
3. Make a list of the basic needs/questions of your loved one. Like does he/she need someone to feed them, falling prevention, how often are showers and can I request more, how do they prevent dehydration.
4. Look at all the hallways and see how many residents are up and out of bed walking around or hanging out in their wheelchairs. If there is a good amout out consider that good. The nurses aren't just shoving them into be to get rid of them. Plus the longer a dementia/alz patient is up the more they should sleep at night with the sundowners.
5. Does the room meet the basic needs of the resident, is it clean? cords and peeled wall paper as well are not good signs.
6. Think about their personality and what they were like before the illness. My father is a simple man who didnt need much. I went to a home that I would say was too posh fo rhim...too frilly. I went with a simple clean home.
7. Did the staff take the time to talk to you...were they impatient? If they are impatient with you, think how they would be with your loved one.
8. Do their laundry. It makes you go at least 2 times a week and it shows a presence at the home. Plus you can prevent spread of illness like Scapes. Also you shouldnt lose any clothes.
9. Before committing to a place, google them. There are tons of review sites that will give you an idea of their violations. Now you wont find a home that is perfect. So look at what kind of violations and the less abuse the better of course.
10. With Dementia/Alz, how do they secure the facility? How do they prevent wandering?
These should jog some more questions for you. But dont say yes to the first one. When I had to look, I saw about 20 homes. I got so good at judging them that I knew the moment I walked it. It doesnt have to smell like urine..there are plenty of places that prevent that.
Lastly, know that you can only do what is within your power. This country doesnt provide for their elderly like we think our loved ones deserve. As their loved one, we are the only voice they have.

March 31, 2009 - Tuesday 

This site gives star ratings on the homes.
Nursing Homes
April 6, 2009 - Monday  
***Written in my Father's voice and my view***
It has been about 2 weeks since I have been at this nursing home and there has been many changes. They finally removed my catheder, I am eating more solid foods now, I am not laying in bed all day just to fall out of it. They are putting me in my wheel chair and parking me in the hall so I can socialize and have things to look at. My family had a care plan meeting with the staff to make all of this happen. Those care plan meetings are really vital.
My daughter made the decision to place me on hospice so there is another person to help me. She approved me getting more solid foods so I can get away from pureed mush. She will manage my pain meds and make sure that all is well and I am comfortable.
One thing that not alot of people know is that when you are on Medicare coverage for the nursing home and they are providing Physical Therapy and Speech Therapy, that all gets taken away when you are placed on Hospice. So it was quite a decision for my daughter to make. But she has asked that the hospice people work on that with me. Exercise helps my back so it is a form of pain management in my eyes.
In any case I have been a little grumpy with my daughter lately. Which she sees as a better sign than me being sleepy and out of it. She saw me for the first time actually pick up a spoon and feed myself. For the past 3 months someone has had to feed me.
Looking forward to Summer time and getting out of my room. I am hoping I can go to my daughters for some BBQ. In the mean time I am enjoying my sandwiches and juice.
April 9, 2009 - Thursday  
***Written in my Father's voice and my view***
I am so restless I refuse to stay in my wheel chair and I finally fell out of it. I am more aware of the fact that I dont have a I pissed all over the place. My ex wasnt too happy. So after my displays of energy this late at night, I got my ambien and I am falling fast asleep...or so we hope. My daughter is gonna come by and check in on me. She is pretty tired...but she loves me so nah nah.
April 25, 2009 - Saturday 


–noun 1.a house of shelter or rest for pilgrims, strangers, etc., esp. one kept by a religious order.
a.a health-care facility for the terminally ill that emphasizes pain control and emotional support for the patient and family, typically refraining from taking extraordinary measures to prolong life.
b.a similar program of care and support for the terminally ill at home.
1810–20; < F < L hospitium hospitium

We still havent had a care meeting with the Hospice nurse......been waiting for a couple weeks. I was told this was to happen within 17 days...I think its up now. But I did check to see how often they have seen my father. Its been a few times a week so that makes me feel better.
My dad has been gaining wait and is usually in good spirits. I requested him to have a hair cut. I guess I sholdnt have put buzz cut. He is almost bald. It has been warm here so maybe that wasnt such a bad mistake.
I got my dad some funny shirts at Walmart the other day. I will try to get some new pictures up soon.
Really nothing new to report, seems we are in a holding pattern right now.
There is a nurse there names Eugenia from South Africa. My dad just loves her. She brings him about 3 sandwiches a day when she is working. So why he is on pureed still I havent a clue. She always tells us when we leave to find our blessing. I have to ponder on that one for a bit. I do know it is a blessing when she is there.

How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these. George Washington Carver

April 25, 2009 - Saturday 
Alzheimer's, Validation Therapy and the CareGiver
I ran across this article while "fishing" on the Internet. This tried-and-true technique can be used when you are at "wits" end when dealing with difficult behavior. The article contains examples that should help you develop your own frame of reference, techniques when dealing with difficutl situations on a daily basis. It should be particularly useful in helping you understand that the often bizarre behaviors evidenced by your Alzheimer's loved one are not uncommon and can be dealt with effectively. This article is worthwhile reading and is worth "salting away" for future reference.

Nursing Homes, June, 2000 by Mark Warner

DESIGNS for Validation Therapy

Mark Warner

This tried-and-true technique can be supported in the Alzheimer's environment

As each member of the group sat in the circle hoping the balloon would gently drift their way, Roxanne burst from her chair in a fit of rage, shouting "There'll be no ball-playing in my house!" Furious at the insolence of the players who ignored her commands, Roxanne forcefully attacked a staff member, who tried to comfort her by explaining that she was not in her house, but merely with her friends playing a game. Roxanne didn't buy that and swung wildly, hitting the staff member squarely in the chest.

Fearing that I, too, might fall victim to the same fate, I cautiously approached Roxanne.

I put my arm around her shoulder and supported her in her cause that there should be no ball-playing in her house. "This is terrible," I said. "You're right, they should not be throwing that ball in your house, should they?"

"No, they shouldn't," bellowed Roxanne, showing only the slightest relief that someone saw her point of view.

"But you know, Roxanne, the only way they will stop throwing that ball is if we write down the rules for them. I think it's the only way they'll listen." Roxanne was buying this approach, so I suggested, "Let's go into that room over there and write down all the rules for them, okay?" Much to my relief, Roxanne agreed, and hand-in-hand we went into the room to write down the "rules."

"Okay," I began, "Rule Number One is 'No ball-playing in the house,' right?"

"That's right," agreed Roxanne.

"So what will Rule Number Two be," I asked, and then offered, "How about, 'No running in the house'?"

"That's right," said Roxanne, "my grandchildren are not allowed to run in my house."

"Roxanne, you've got grandchildren," I said, raising the tone of my voice with delight.

"Oh, yes, my little gran'boy is six years old, and he is as smart as they come." Roxanne was on a roll now, and the upset caused earlier by the balloon toss in the next room might as well have been miles away. Fifteen minutes later, when the game was over, Roxanne and I emerged from the room, both of us just as happy as we could be, the "rules" left on the table and the incident long forgotten.

The technique used here is called Validation Therapy. It assumes that no matter what illusion the person with Alzheimer's disease (AD) is living, she is right, and nothing you can say or do will convince her otherwise. Naomi Feil is the acknowledged expert on validation therapy and wrote the book The Validation Breakthrough. The basic concept is that you have to buy into the resident's illusion and convincingly play along with it, there by validating it. Eventually you'll see opportunities to mold the tale--and the resident's behavior--into something that is acceptable and no longer upsetting.

"What has this got to do with design," you ask? Everything, in fact. Understanding Alzheimer's disease and the many creative ways to deal with it are as much a challenge of designing an environment as of caregiving within it.

Angie is always complaining about the stranger in the bathroom. She won't use the toilet while "the other lady" is in there. She says that the bathroom is occupied, not realizing it is her own reflection that she sees. Do you explain that she is seeing herself in a mirror?

No. You go along with her. How about, "I'm sorry, Angie, let me see what's taking that lady so long." You go into the bathroom and somehow cover the mirror. One family confronted by this situation told their mother that the mirror was dirty and needed to be cleaned. They sprayed it with a powdered deodorant, creating a haze that obscured any reflection. "Mom, she's out of there now," her daughter said. "I wonder what took her so long. Let me know if you need anything. I'll be right here waiting for you."

Caregiver 1: "Deborah won't eat anything. She just sits at the table and stares at the food. She loves gardening, though; we spend hours every day weeding and pruning the vegetables in our garden."

A golden opportunity awaits us here. Figure it out. Deborah loves gardening, but won't eat.

"So we tried something a little different. Though the tomatoes were days from ripening, I went to the grocery store and picked out some beautiful red ones. Instead of putting them on the table in front of her, I pretended to come in from the garden, tomatoes in hand. As Deborah Looked at the tomatoes, I told her, 'They came from our garden and don't they Look delicious?"'

Granted, such ploys are not always so successful, but many are. Sharing the bounty of the garden, enjoying the fruits of your labor that you grew together, can somehow trigger pleasant, guiding thoughts and behaviors when all else fails. Perhaps it stirs up memories from long ago, or maybe it's just the thrill of eating your own garden vegetables. Regardless, it adds a new dimension to life that might very well conquer the ravages of the disease and perhaps bring new purpose to those waist-high gardens many facilities are installing these days.

Taking validation to the next step often involves anticipating the problem and creating the illusion. Validation, also referred to as deceptive therapy, white lies and fiblets, means creating a story--in the best interest of the person who is "confused."

"Dad, who's president? Do you remember his name?"

"Of course l do, it's Roosevelt!"

If your family member believes it is the 1930s, so be it. As he regresses in time, so do his memories of values, experiences and people. What was important then becomes important now!

Given residents' belief that they are living when Roosevelt was president, what would the world have been like back then? What would the good experiences and environmental features have been? How can we recreate the familiar feelings of that period in a convincing and subtle way?

For example, those were the days when they hung the clothes on a line in the back yard. Isn't that the kind of good and secure feeling we would want to recreate--possibly by merely providing a clothesline? Others might be enjoying the time when they were raising their families. What better way to indulge them than by allowing them to once again care for their spouse or children by hanging "their" clothes out to dry?

Or, perhaps they have less comforting memories.

Caregiver 2: "Mom collects everything--rubber bands, paper clips paper...everything! And she stores them everywhere. You can hardly walk in her room, there is so much stuff in there!"

Perhaps Mom is reliving times when the country was at war, when every little scrap was valuable in the war effort, or the Great Depression, when times were so tough that you had to keep everything, when nothing that might be useful was thrown out. Environmental validation then might mean providing easy-to-see drawers, trunks or cabinets to store these important items.

How were evenings spent in the good ol' days (before TV, let's say)? Many families spent hours sitting on the porch, watching people go by, talking to neighbors, etc. Why not create a porch, complete with rockers and swing gliders? Locate it carefully and safely, but within view of interesting activities (maybe a playground where children play). Make sure it is secure for those who might try to leave or climb over the railing; it should also be far enough from strangers outside who might be perceived as intruding into their space. Perhaps a screened porch would do the trick.

One should also beware of environmental miscues.

"Bruce, why aren't you eating?"

"I didn't bring my wallet and can't pay for the meal."

Although Bruce is living in an assisted living facility and doesn't have to pay for his meal, he doesn't realize that. As far as he is concerned, this large, beautiful dining room is a restaurant, and the more he eats, the bigger the bill. Perhaps if we had divided the room into smaller, more homelike dining rooms and spared the expense of the huge chandelier, Bruce would feel more comfortable with his home-cooked meal.

Don't forget that little environmental touches can mean a lot.

Caregiver 3: "My mother refused to take a bath. For years, soaking in a warm tub of water had been the highlight of her day. But now, for some reason, she feared the tub and everything it represented. Eventually she confided in me, relating a childhood story about a little girl who got sucked down the bathtub drain. She recalled that tale and, like that little girl, she was afraid that she too might fall victim to that terrible fate. The solution: We put a mat over the drain. Her fear suddenly disappeared."

In a daycare center, angry and impatient residents wait for their rides to take them home. Each time the door opens, one, two or even three of them race to it and powerfully attempt to get into the van, which has actually arrived to transport someone else. Staff members intervene, often unsuccessfully, overcome by the strength and determination of people with a very important cause (the van is there for them). If we, as facility planners and designers, can anticipate this kind of behavior, we can plan door placement to eliminate visibility of the van outside, thus avoiding this upsetting and potentially volatile situation. There are design solutions for problems like these, if problems are simply acknowledged and thought about ahead of time.

Although the stories I've recounted are all too familiar to healthcare professionals, they are often "Greek" to design professionals. Nevertheless, it is a design credo: To design for any client, you have to understand the client. Why should those who have Alzheimer's disease be treated any differently?

We are only in the earliest days of learning how to design for dementia. Hopefully, there will soon be a cure for these devastating diseases, making an article such as this a moot exercise. But until then, we must continue to delve into our creative minds, take chances and discover what works and what doesn't for this population. Nursing home/assisted living managers should help designers understand how people with dementia perceive and interpret their worlds. Only when equipped with this knowledge can we designers begin to address these problems with the tools that we have available to us.

Mark Warner, AIA, is the author of The Complete Guide to Alzheimer's Proofing Your Home, the first book in the Homes That Care series on age related conditions and creating homes for those suffering from them. His firm, Ageless Design, Inc., offers consultation and assistance in the design of environments for seniors. For more information, call (561) 745-0210, visit the Web site at or e-mail

May 6, 2009 - Wednesday 
I recently watched Prairie Home Companion again. I love that movie. The angel had said something that I didn’t pay attention to before. She said, “There is no tragedy in an old man dying.” I hear that and I think of my father. He isn’t old really but his body is. On paper he is a mere 63 years old, but when you look at him, he looks much older. Sometimes they ask me if he is my grandfather.  So needless to say, his body is not young.
Last week my father fell ill and there was a lot of confusion on what his temps were and what the actual issue was. He was having a hard time breathing and was hot to the touch. He wasn’t his usual self. By usual I mean, in the hall sitting in his wheelchair, wide eyed and talking. I was at work and I received the call from the home asking if I wanted him to go to the hospital. I didn’t know what was happening and I could barely understand what the nurse was saying. She didn’t speak very good English. But somewhere in there I hear he can’t breathe and 105 was his temp. I called the troops out to go check on him. I started to head that way from work. On the drive I had to play all sorts of scenarios in my head so that I could have a decision. I didn’t want to make those decisions. But I knew I had to .
When I got there, I just made the decision to go to the hospital. Once that was done, hospice showed up. I was kind of annoyed that we all from different parts of the area managed to beat hospice to the home. In the rush to get him to the  hospital, hospice told me that their services will cease when he goes to the hospital. I was under the impression that it would continue once he returned.  The ER visit resulted in him getting a RX for antibiotics and Prednisone. He had the beginning stages of pneumonia.
So, the question I have been asked, “Why take him to ER and treat him when he is on hospice?” My answer to that has been why not treat him for something minor like an infection? I won’t treat the heart or lung condition. The alzheimer’s is really untreatable.  
I made the decision early on that I can’t prolong his life. His quality of life is not good. It’s horrible. My logic on all of this has been clouded by the fact that I don’t want to let him go.
Now that he is back at the home, I have to re-enroll him into hospice. Yup, he was taken off when I made the decision to go to the ER. They took his good wheelchair that day too. Apparently that was on loan from hospice.
So now the decision is, do I treat him with antibiotics and such the next time this happens, or do I just let the infection take over while he is given pain meds.  I really don’t want to make these decisions. It’s like choosing whether someone dies or not. It is choosing. Its playing God in a sense. What if I make the wrong decision? He would be dying sooner because I made the decision to refuse treatment.  Who am I to make that decision, what gives me that right? Whatever it is, I don’t want it.
I know what my father wants. It’s just do hard to give it to him. I wish nature would just take care of it and not leave me in such a position. It’s too hard. I can’t let go of someone I love so much. He is my father and my only one. I don’t get another one.  He is it.
But I am going to do what is right. No matter how hard it is. I have to do what is right, what is best for him and only him. It’s his time to move on and to be free of this prison he is in. I have no business keeping him here. I have no right to deny him his right to be free.
I made the decision today that I will not treat him for infections or anything other than his pain. Of course this is while consulting hospice and his doctor. But if it isn’t going to help him, then what is the point. This is the hardest decision I think I can ever face.

Dear Daddy,
I want you to know how much I love you and how much you mean to me. Sure, you weren’t the worlds greatest dad, but you were there and you accepted me the way I was and you wanted nothing more than for me to be happy. You were there when no one else was. You know the time. It meant so much to me that you stuck by me and supported me. You allowed me to be there for you. You trusted me with decisions you should have been making. You allowed me to care for you and though at times we fought, at the end of the day we always said I love you and sorry. I am sorry your life was cut short at 55 years of age. You started a path to destruction and you didn’t have a chance in hell to fight. It’s not fair. This disease is not fair. I never thought I would lose you this soon. I always thought you would be there. Accepting this is the hardest thing I can do. Just know that I will miss you every day that you are not here. I will always wonder if you are in the room watching over me. I hope that I make you proud and that I continue to do so.
Always and Forever,
Your Daughter PB

May 14, 2009 - Thursday 
Northern CA Alz Association

Yesterday was the Hospice Family Care meeting....long overdue. We met with the Hospice nurse and Case Manager. Also there was the Chaplin and the Nursing home staff.
We went over the medications and treatments. Eliminated some and added some. Hopefully my dad will be getting an air mattress. As of today he has a bed sore. Also today he is in more pain and not very coherent. They started breathing treatments and also he is now on methadone for pain.
Just called home and he just got the air mattress. Yay!!
I let them know what I expected from them and asked what they would expect from me. I talked about how I wanted him cleaned and dressed when the time comes. I also talked about how the last time when dad was sick and I was forced to make an un-educated decision on taking him to the hospital, the hospice nurse on the phone was not what I had hoped for. She hadnt seen him and the hospice nurse was still enroute, yet she made the assessment that he was too far advanced for antibiotics. She set me up for the worst and it wasnt the case at all. So I told the Hospice staff that a better approach for them would have been to tell me that hospice was on their way and that they can let me know if he needs to go or not and that they can treat him just like ER could with antibiotics and pain meds. If I had of known that I wouldnt have put him through the ER visit. They told me that should never of happened and they were sorry.
So I think that we are all on the right page and now it is just the waiting game for when Daddy decides its his time has come.
On another note...I watched the Momentum In Science parts 1 and 2. I am now on the man hunt for a research project involving children of early onset AD. Also I am going to inquire on donating his brain to research. I just want to help in anyway I can...I dont want anymore people to have to go through what I have been going through for the last 6 years.

May 15, 2009 - Friday 
After work I came home and put my slippers on and a clean comfy shirt. Made sure my dog was good and I headed out to see daddy. Daddy is now on round the clock care with hospice. Meaning, at the nursing facility, on top of the nursing staff there, hospice sits in his room and checks on him continuously. I sat there talking to Candy and then I was there for a little longer and met the midnight staff. Allie and Rebecca. Allie is a very out spoken gay man who isnt more than 5'3 and Rebecca...well she is Barbie.
The decision was made with Allie to increase the pain meds a little since my dad was still looking uncomfortable. He has a bad bed sore as well. My poor daddy's bowls and bladder are starting to shut down so some manual intervention on his bowels was made...sparing the details. Also a cathedar was placed as well. At first I was afraid of his pain and being uncomfortable, but Allie gave him some pain meds before doing both. I felt a little better. After all is done Daddy looks peaceful. He is sleeping and even though his breathing is labored it is smooth.
Alle took me outside to have a smoke....oh yeah, I quit but this is just too much. We talked about what just happened and he asked me what it was that I wanted and told me what he could do. He promised that if he felt Daddy was closer he would call me...I told him I didnt care if it was a false alarm.
I will admit I am scared for when that time comes. How will I react, I dont know. I know that I am partly numb and partly ready to come undone. While sitting there watching him sleep I looked back on all the pictures I had of him. From the times we spent together. I remembered how we went miniture golfing just last October and how I took him on a go cart. He had such a blast. I remember the time we went jet skiing and he rode on the back with my mom. He had never been before.
I hope that in the last years of his life I gave him some joy. I think I did. I am glad that I took pictures up until just last week and I am happy that I have video of him even though he never made any sense...other than saying he loved me.
Every second I question if what I am doing is the right thing. As long as he is out of pain...its the right thing...right? As long as he sleeps through his death it is the right thing..right? All he ever really told me was to have him cremated and scattered somewhere in Hawaii....oh and to never put him in a nursing home...I really didnt have a choice on that. I wish I had him here at home...but its going to be hard enough to drive past that home without thinking about him.
I wish I was a kid again. I would have loved him even more..if its even possible to love him more that I do and have.
Dad's eyes are red and glossy....his ear lobes are setting back. His skin is dry and his breaths are deep and labored. Its time.
I am going to try and sleep for a bit and then enter back into my roll as a composed adult at her father's bedside. Goodnight.

May 22, 2009 - Friday 
As most of you know my father past away Saturday May 16th at 1208am. I am finally sitting and taking the time to write about it. I really couldnt find the words to say in describing the passing of my father. I think I can do it now.

Thursday May 14th I left work and decided that it was better to go visit Daddy than to wallow in a beer at the bar. So I headed over to the nursing home and there Daddy laid, sleeping and breathing heavy. He looked really sick and in my heart I knew that this was it.
Sitting there at the foot of his bed was the Hospic Nurce, Candy. She was young and had a beautiful kind face. While Daddy slept she and I talked about all sorts of things. I showed her Daddy's pictures of what he use to look like and how he was still mobile just last October.
I stayed in his room til 3 am. At midnight a new Hospice nurse came in with a trainee. His name was Allie (spelling?) and Rebecca. Rebecca was the trainee. It was a different experience with them as Allie was a little more aggressive in his treatment. I am still a little unsettled on it. But no harm was really done I think. When the decision was made to increase the pain meds I messaged my family to see if they wanted to see him before he was really incoherent. They had said they said all they needed. I was exhausted by 3am and was comfortable enough to leave my father in their hands with the notion that they would call me with updates.
By later that morning I received a call stating that my daddy's pain meds had been increased once more. You would think that I would not be ok with this. At one point I thought this was encouraging his death. But death is what my daddy wanted. As long as he was asleep and not in didnt matter at this point. Death was inevitable.
After 4 hours of sleep I made some calls and told my family it was coming...48 hours at the most. We made camp in his room. Amber was the Nurse's Assistant now in Daddy's room and she was young and eager. My mom talked to her about buying a home. I also showed her pictures of Daddy before. After she left Candy came back. I was glad to see her.
Fast forwarding to later in the evening. We chatted up a storm and promised many cocktails her way should she ever see me and Josey at our usual bar. Candy talked about how after her shift that night was was going to meet her husband at a bar and watch a rock band. Totally not the image I had of her from the beginning. Oh, her husband has dreds....right on!! Midnight was closing in and I was dreading her departure. She was good with my father and the Nursing home staff....not so good.
Candy started to pack this point Daddy's breathing was had been all day. In my head I was saying "I dont want you to go....Please dont go!" She started to get up and said it was nice meeting us. Something in my mind told me to look at my Daddy....the part I feared I would miss was right there infront of me...I saw him take his last breath. It was big and smooth...unlike all the other breaths he took. I looked at Candy and said...I think that was his last one. She sat back down. She looked at me and I knew. I crawled into bed with Daddy with her help. I whispered in his ear through my tears. I told him I was going to be ok and that I would miss him so dont go too far. Go bowl that 300 game and smoke a pack. Go find his mom. I stroked his head and kissed his brow. Candy checked his heart and gave me the nod. I told him goodbye and that I know he loves me more than anyone could. I knew he was still in the room with us. I felt this calm come over me. I was happy for him. He was out of pain and with his mother. He was finally free.
We covered him with his blanket after I begged Candy to close his eyes. He looked peaceful expect for his mouth being open...that couldnt be helped. Candy made the calls and I left to take a breath out side. I trusted her to watch over him.
I wanted to wash my dad before he left the home to the funeral home. The CNA's at the home changed everything but said they do not wash him...they werent going to honor my this point Candy had left....she did all that she was suppose to do. Unfortunately it was now too late to go out. So I told her I owed her that drink.
When the CNA's left the room I looked at Josey and said lets do our usual...whenever Daddy was in the hospital, Josey would be at the sink rotating wash cloths through warm water while I washed Daddy. So this was our last routine. I was determined to get the dried food out of his beard. As I was washing my father, the funeral home person came and was really respectful to wait until I finished. He came by himself and was really good with moving my father. Later I discovered he was the husband of the woman I organized my father's cremation with who also was very kind. She told me later that she and I had a lot in common. My mother, Josey and I followed Daddy out of this nursing home vowing to never return. We had already removed all of his belongings to my this was it.
In the end...I am happy for my father....but I am feeling a bit lost. Since I was 19 I have been caring for father was the longest and most meaningful. I cherished everyday with my father that I had. I know he is still with me as I learn to live life without him.  I just never thought I would lose him before I was 30. I miss him so much and its in a sense, empty nest.
I decided at the last minute that I was going to get him the Urn that I really liked. I also got a smaller urn for my trip to Alaska and for his parent's gravesite. I also got a necklace...He will be with me always. The plan is to find a beautiful spot off the coast of Maui and lay him to rest. He went on a trip there a long time ago and had a blast. He came back so rejuvinated. So I will make sure his wishes are followed through.
I thought I knew what heartbreak was. I was wrong. This is heartbreak.

Goodbye Daddy, Dont go too far...I still need you.